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Wholesale Simply Nootropics Sleep™ Relax, Recharge & Restore

Premium nootropic for brain performance and cognitive support

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Wholesale Simply Nootropics Sleep™ Relax, Recharge & Restore

Premium nootropic for brain performance and cognitive support

  • Helps you “get in the zone” for the whole day
  • Helps you “get in the zone” for the whole day
  • Helps you “get in the zone” for the whole day
Add to Cart - $69.00
In stock, ships in 24 hours via NZ post
90 day Satisfaction guarantee
Estimated Delivery: May 10 - May 15
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As we get older, our body finds it more and more difficult to keep functioning at its best. Many of the vital nutrients our body makes start to decrease and fatigue sets in.

That’s where Simply Nootropics can help. With our new NMN formula, a premium-grade, 99.9% pure micronised NMN powder, made in New Zealand. It’s our not-so-secret superpowder.


Simply Nootropics NMN, helps increase NAD+, a coenzyme found in all living cells (including yours we hope). As NAD+ levels decrease, we can experience lower energy levels, weight gain, DNA breakdown and more harmful side effects.

NAD+ is crucial in supporting metabolism, sleep, cell health and can even improve your skin complexion. It also activates sirtuins (our anti-ageing genes) and DNA repair, addressing the root cause of ageing and enhancing your body's overall vitality.

With over 10 Human Trials on NMN published on our website, NMN has a proven track record of delivering lasting results for those looking to turn back the clock on ageing and focus on not just longevity but feeling good along the way.

Our 99.9% pure NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) is a cutting-edge supplement crucial for cellular energy production and DNA repair – key processes for supporting youthful vitality and cognitive health. The micronised form of NMN ensures effective absorption and bioavailability, making it one of the most effective NMN supplements available. Put simply - it works.

How to use it

Incorporating Simply Nootropics NMN into your daily routine is incredibly simple and can be tailored exactly to your age-related needs. Here’s how to effectively use our NMN supplement for optimal benefits:

Dosage by Age:

Under 40: Aim for 500mg per day, equivalent to one level scoop.

Ages 40-60: Take 500mg to 750mg daily, which is 1 to 1.5 level scoops.

60 and Over: Recommended dosage is 750mg to 1000mg per day.

Method of Consumption:

Mix with Beverages: Mix the powder with water or your favourite non-alcoholic beverage. Ensure it's well-dissolved for easy consumption.

Sublingual Use: For quicker absorption, you can take NMN sublingually by placing it under your tongue. Wait around 10-20 seconds and swallow any remaining powder.

Optimal Time: It's most effective when taken on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. This ensures maximum potential absorption and utilisation by your body.

Taste: Whilst NMN doesn’t have any flavouring it naturally has a slightly acidic flavour, which can catch you by surprise taking your first dose sublingually. You quickly become accustomed to the flavour though. It took us by surprise too, but we don’t notice it now.

Starting Dose: We recommend beginning with a half dose for the first few days to gauge sensitivity. Increase to the full dosage after your first few days, as per your age group.

Storage: Keep the NMN in the fridge once opened and ensure the seal is tightly closed to maintain its potency and shelf-life.

Important Precautions:

Avoid Hot Beverages: Avoid NMN with hot beverages as heat can degrade its effectiveness.
Pregnancy and Nursing: If you are pregnant or nursing, avoid using this supplement.

Consult Health Professionals: If you have any concerns or are taking other medications, consult with your health professional before use.

Dosage Limit: Do not exceed 1,000mg (2 scoops) per day to ensure safety and efficacy. Everything in moderation.

Additional Tips:

Scoop Measurement: Use the 500mg scoop provided in the pack. Ensure the powder is free-flowing and not compressed for accurate measurement.

Simply Nootropics NMN is a powerful supplement, a superpowder, designed to support your cellular health, cognitive function and fight ageing. By following these guidelines, you can maximise its benefits and integrate it seamlessly into your health regimen.

Please get in contact if you have any further questions!

Who’s it for

Simply Nootropics NMN powder is a versatile supplement that caters to a wide audience, each with unique needs but a common goal: to support cellular health, longevity, and enhance cognitive function. Here are a few examples of prime users:

Health-conscious Adults: For those in their 30s and 40s looking to get a head start on cellular health and longevity, NMN offers a proactive approach to maintaining vitality.

Middle-Aged Individuals: As you enter your 40s and 50s, the body's natural NAD+ levels start to decline. NMN is ideal for those seeking to support their energy levels, cognitive function, and overall wellbeing during this critical phase.

Seniors (60+): For older adults, NMN can be especially beneficial in supporting cellular repair processes, enhancing energy, metabolism, and maintaining cognitive health as the years pass supporting your quality of life and independence.

Longevity Enthusiasts: Individuals interested in the science of ageing and longevity will find NMN aligns perfectly with their goal of optimising healthspan and living as long as possible.

Cognitive Health Seekers: Anyone looking to support brain health and cognitive function will benefit from NMN’s role in cellular energy production and DNA repair, crucial for maintaining mental clarity and focus.

Active Professionals and Entrepreneurs: For those facing high-pressure, demanding careers, NMN can help sustain energy levels and cognitive performance, essential for productivity and success.


Our NMN is 99.9% pure, ensuring you receive a top-quality product without impurities or cheap fillers.

No additives, no nasties, made in New Zealand.

NMN doesn’t have any flavouring it naturally has a slightly acidic flavour like vitamin C.

Third party lab certificate

We ensure all of our supplements are third party tested to ensure the highest quality product, our NMN is 99.9% pure and free of heavy metals.

Free Shipping
Human Clinical Studies
Third Party Tested
Made in NZ with imported ingredients
In-house neuroscientist
Vegan & GMO free

What customer says

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna

The difference is like night and day, I feel more alive

It sounded too good to be true. I've now been blown away. More energy, more vitality and even my skin is thanking me. I've turned from a doubter to a believer.


New anti-ageing routine. 5 stars, 10 out of 10

NMN has me feeling like i'm 30 again. It's designed to increase NAD levels, and slow down ageing. I really notice the difference.


WOW, finally a supplement you can actually notice the difference immediately

I've noticed a huge difference in my energy levels. I'm sleeping better, i feel less fatigues and more focussed.


The difference has been monumental!

Since starting NMN, I have more energy, sharper focus, and feel like I can keep up with my teens without missing a beat.



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A holistic way to be at your best every day

Boosts Overall Health

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Daily active: 50mg

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Daily active: 200mg

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Why simply nootropics

7 research backed nootropics ingredients, in one dose. All the nutrients your brain needs to perform at its best.

why simply nootropics

Some companies hide behind proprietary blends, so you never know how much of each ingredient is included in each dose (hint: it’s usually not enough). We always show you the exact ingredients and amounts because you deserve to know exactly what you’re taking.

Holistic Approach

Some companies hide behind proprietary blends, so you never know how much of each ingredient is included in each dose (hint: it’s usually not enough). We always show you the exact ingredients and amounts because you deserve to know exactly what you’re taking.

No Propretary Blends

Some companies hide behind proprietary blends, so you never know how much of each ingredient is included in each dose (hint: it’s usually not enough). We always show you the exact ingredients and amounts because you deserve to know exactly what you’re taking.

Holistic Approach

Some companies hide behind proprietary blends, so you never know how much of each ingredient is included in each dose (hint: it’s usually not enough). We always show you the exact ingredients and amounts because you deserve to know exactly what you’re taking.

why simply nootropics

Some companies hide behind proprietary blends, so you never know how much of each ingredient is included in each dose (hint: it’s usually not enough). We always show you the exact ingredients and amounts because you deserve to know exactly what you’re taking.

Holistic Approach

Some companies hide behind proprietary blends, so you never know how much of each ingredient is included in each dose (hint: it’s usually not enough). We always show you the exact ingredients and amounts because you deserve to know exactly what you’re taking.

No Propretary Blends

Some companies hide behind proprietary blends, so you never know how much of each ingredient is included in each dose (hint: it’s usually not enough). We always show you the exact ingredients and amounts because you deserve to know exactly what you’re taking.

Holistic Approach

Some companies hide behind proprietary blends, so you never know how much of each ingredient is included in each dose (hint: it’s usually not enough). We always show you the exact ingredients and amounts because you deserve to know exactly what you’re taking.

Combining 7 nootropic ingredients in one

Over $170.00

Frequently asked questions

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Chat with our customer support team, Monday-Friday.

Or contact us via email at:

What are nootropics?

Yes! Once you choose your design, website name and plan, we will set up your website for you to look exactly like the design you choose, updated with your content and images.

Are nootropics safe?

Yes! Once you choose your design, website name and plan, we will set up your website for you to look exactly like the design you choose, updated with your content and images.

Can I take Simply Nootropics on top of my supplement regimen?

Yes! Once you choose your design, website name and plan, we will set up your website for you to look exactly like the design you choose, updated with your content and images.

Will nootropics help me be smarter?

Yes! Once you choose your design, website name and plan, we will set up your website for you to look exactly like the design you choose, updated with your content and images.

Can I take Simply Nootropics on top of my supplement regimen?

Yes! Once you choose your design, website name and plan, we will set up your website for you to look exactly like the design you choose, updated with your content and images.

Will nootropics help me be smarter?

Yes! Once you choose your design, website name and plan, we will set up your website for you to look exactly like the design you choose, updated with your content and images.

Chat with our customer support team, Monday-Friday.

Or contact us via email at:

80% of dogs over 8 years old will develop osteoarthritis Start taking care of your pup's joints today!

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