Panax Ginseng

Panax ginseng otherwise known as Asian ginseng is a slow growing, short plant with fleshy roots. Though similar to American ginseng they are considered to have different concentrations of active compounds which means they work in different ways.  American ginseng is considered a relaxing agent, so is good in the evening, whereas Asian ginseng has a more invigorating effect, perfect to get the brain working.

As a potent antioxidant Panax ginseng can help to protect the brain against the damage of free radicals. This in turn promotes memory and mood. A number of studies have been done on this aspect showing that it can support calmness, and enhanced performance as well as reduced mental fatigue.

Moreover, ginseng has the power to help fight tiredness and promote overall energy levels. Using the components of ginseng, like polysaccharides lower oxidative stress and promote energy production in cells, helping to fight fatigue.

Panax Ginseng supplements (Asian ginseng supplements) can be taken in Panax Ginseng capsules or Panax Ginseng tablets and purchased online. Simply Nootropcis Elevate includes a daily active of 200mg.