Gingko Biloba

Known as a living fossil, the Gingko Biloba or Maidenhair tree genus dates back some 200 million years. Grown throughout China, Japan and Korea, and more recently Europe and the USA, it has traditionally been sought after for a number of different uses.

The leaves are the main part used, and has been shown to support circulation which in turn helps the brain, eyes, ears and legs. As an antioxidant it also provides neural support by protecting brain cells from free radical damage.

Overall, Gingko can have a calming effect on the body which helps with stress and anxiety. It also has studies around cerebral vascular support, or ensuring enough oxygen gets to the brain.


Gingko Biloba supplements (Maidenhair tree genus supplements) can be taken in Gingko Biloba capsules or Gingko Biloba tablets and purchased online. Simply Nootropcis Elevate includes a daily active of 100mg.

See research here.